Uses of Military Coins
Custom coins have a long history as an integral part of life in the United States Armed Forces. Whether given as tokens of appreciation or as symbols of unit cohesiveness...
Custom coins have a long history as an integral part of life in the United States Armed Forces. Whether given as tokens of appreciation or as symbols of unit cohesiveness and camaraderie, the uses of military coins are many.
From their beginning, a century or so ago, custom challenge coins have held a special place among service members. They’ve won a place in the hearts of soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen throughout the world.
Different Branch, Different Approach
The most popular, albeit unprovable, story of the origins of challenge coins indicates they began with a lieutenant in the Army Air Corps in World War I. We’ll let the Army and the Air Force battle it out over who gets to claim to be the first with custom coins. What’s certain is their approaches to coins has diverged slightly in recent years.
New Army recruits receive their first challenge coin at initial intake. It typically features the Army’s seven Core Values:
Selfless Service
Personal Courage
Air Force recruits, on the other hand, receive their first challenge coin at the end of their basic training. When they receive their coin at their graduation ceremony, they have earned the right to be called “Airman” instead of “trainee.” (Note that the Air Force refers to both men and women as Airmen.)
Meaning of Military Coins
Military challenge coins can have myriad meanings. They often signify membership in specific units or squads, with each having its own unique insignia. Unit members carry them as a reminder of shared deployments, battles or duty assignments.
Coins also can be awarded by leaders in recognition of exemplary performance. The higher the rank of the officer who gives the coin, the greater the recipient’s bragging rights. The ultimate recognition is a coin given to a service member by the Commander in Chief.
Pop culture lore has it that if a coin challenge is issued, the person in the room who has received a coin from the highest ranking official never has to pay for drinks. The more common tradition is that one person issues a challenge by slamming a coin on the bar, table or floor. Those who can’t produce their coin must buy the next round.
For veterans, military coins can be keepsakes of their service careers. Many treasure them and fondly recall the times they shared with comrades in arms.
Ordering Military Coins
Ordering military coins is fast and easy. Military Coins USA is your one-stop source for outstanding custom military challenge coins of all styles. We offer a killer combination of superior coin quality, unbeatable pricing, and fantastic customer service. No matter what size, shape, color or style coins you need, you can count on us. Our artists can turn your idea into terrific looking coins at prices so low you won’t believe it.
We back every coin with our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you find any coin you buy from us to be defective in either workmanship or materials, we’ll replace it at no extra charge. To add even more value, we offer free artwork, up to 5 free colors per design, and free shipping to any address in the continental U.S.A.
We make it easy to order the perfect custom military coins for your needs. What are you waiting for? Call us today, toll-free, or fill out our no-obligation free quote form. We’re ready to supply all your custom military coin needs!